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Q: What note do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft?

A: "A flat miner!!"

Sent in by Roger Braithwaite.

A man is walking down the street when he is approached by a stranger.

The stranger asks the man "why are you walking down the road with a cabbage on the end of a lead?"

The man is quite upset by this and replys "I don't believe that pet shop they told me that it was a collie!"


Q: How do you catch a runaway dog ?

A: Hide in a bush and make a noise like a bone !

Q: What do you call a mad Australian dog?

A: A dingo-ling!


Q: What breed is Dracula's pet dog?

A: A bloodhound!


Q: Why would the little dog never pass any bar without going in for a drink?

A: Because he was a whino!


Q: What do you get if you cross a sheepdog with a rose?

A: A collie-flower!


Q: What do you get if you cross a sheepdog with a jelly?

A: The collie wobbles!


Q: Where would be the best place for Eskimos to do dog training?

A: A mush room!


Q: What is the best way to stop a dog smelling?

A: You put a peg on his nose!


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