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Jade the Doberman

How old is your Doberman?

Here at Jade is trying to help solve the question what is the
greatest age reached by a Doberman. After receiving an e-mail from one of
dogfun's visitors on this subject Jade has launched a search for the worlds
oldest Doberman dog. If you know of any grand old Dobes please drop us a
line and we will publish the results on this page. Please send your e-mail's to Thank you.

So who is number one so far........

Ruef sleeping

  1. Ruef is a grand old 15 and she is still going strong, pictured here doing
    what she likes best!!!!!
  2. My doberman is 24 years old in normal years he's really really
    old.......he only has one leg and 3 teeth but he's still the fastest dog
    i've ever seen!!!!
    Cindy Phillips E-mail on 13th November 2001 (thanks Cindy)
  3. ? please drop us a line.

Your e-mail's.

Hi there, can you help, I am trying to find out what the oldest doberman is,
mine is called Ruef is past 15 and going strong, is this good. She's a bit
knobbly and grey and sleeps a lot but seems happy enough. Howard

Please help Jade and Howard, e-mail

Jade the Doberman
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